Trainer at the Ukrainian Mediation Center (kmbs), PhD.
Education: Candidate of legal sciences, LLM (LSE), PhD in Law (Oxford University)
Specialization: socio-legal studies, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), international commercial arbitration, mediation, negotiation, ADR in comparative and European perspective.
Relevant trainings: mediation certification programme, Search for Common Ground (US), Ukraine, 1997. Training programme in transformative approaches to mediation, Council of Europe, Strassbourg, France, 1998.
Position and place of employment: Associate Professor, School of Law, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy; Visiting Teaching Fellow, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London
Work experience: author of more than 20 research publications (SSRN:; Academia:; convener of the new courses in International Commercial Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Methodology of Research in Law; fellow of the Academic Fellowship Program (OSI); member of the drafting committee on Ukrainian Mediation Law. Tetiana worked in mediation research projects at International Finance Corporation/ World Bank Group, UNDP, and Council of Europe. She has got experience of teaching mediation and negotiation skills for judges and lawyers within UNDP and Council of Europe projects.