General Terms of Service:

  • Payment for services is charged on an hourly basis;
  • Service language: Ukrainian or Russian;
  • It is possible to provide services in English (in this case, the cost of services increases by 50%), as well as in other languages (subject to payment by the parties of the cost of translation services);
  • Service location -- Kiev. If the parties are unable to reach Kiev, the mediator's travel expenses to the agreed venue, accommodation and meals are reimbursed by the parties;
  • Costs incurred in the case, which include the rental of the premises (unless the parties offer a suitable venue and the terms of the mediation process for all parties), photocopying and communication, transport costs, translation, postage, courier services, notary services, etc. paid separately for the results of services rendered;
  • The provision of services by the Center is also possible when the case is in court.


1. Preliminary telephone consultation with the UMC coordinator on the mediation services and its' conditions or the choice of another effective dispute resolution method for resolving a difficult situation (preparation for negotiations, conflict coaching, negotiation support), approximate duration (30-45 minutes) is free of charge. The purpose of the conversation is to make a decision about joining the mediation process.

2. Basic paid consultation -- a coordination meeting held with each party individually that usually lasts 1-2 hours. The purpose of the meeting is to formulate topics for discussion at mediation and prepare for the process. It is possible to discuss a separate service -- involving the other party in the mediation process.

For disputes between individuals related to business or legal entities, the price starts at $ 100/hour.

For disputes between individuals, not related to business activities, the price starts at 1000 UAH/hour, or mediation can be held on a volunteer basis by UMC graduates.

3.1. If mediation is chosen as a way of resolving the situation:

The price of the UMC's services depends on the status of the parties involved in the situation and the area (category) in which the situation occurs.

• Family mediation - 1000 UAH/hour 1-3 hours; 1500 UAH/hour from the 4th hour (for one meeting)

  • Disputes between individuals not related to business activities from -- the price starts at 1000 UAH/hour.

Or, mediation can be held on a volunteer basis by UMC graduates.

Legal entities (including NGOs):

  • Internal organizational disputes -- €1000 (National currency equivalent) per day (7 working hours) or €150 per hour (National currency equivalent) for the first 1-6 hours of the process and €170/hour from the 7th hour of the process;
  • Commercial disputes* - €250 per hour (National currency equivalent) 0.75% of the dispute price, but not less than 20 thousand UAH/day;

* additional cost of work (2 hours) of the mediator in preparation for the consideration of the case with a total cost of 7000 UAH is also paid.

The parties are obliged to provide the mediator with a brief summary (usually 5-7 pages, 12 font size) of a description of the situation based on facts and documents.

  • The stated price of services is calculated with the participation of one mediator in the case. If more mediators are required to negotiate with the parties, the price of the center's services may increase.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the parties will usually pay the cost of the Center's services in equal installments.
  • If the parties to the situation/dispute have a different legal status, payment for services is made at the rates applicable to legal entities.
  • Before mediation, the parties pay a subscription of 3 (three) hours of mediation services. Unless the parties refuse to mediate, this amount is not being reimbursed.

Conclusion of the mediation (final) agreement and/or amicable agreement between the parties on the results of mediation is included in the general mediation procedure and is paid at the same rates. In case of need for certification of such agreement by a notary, the cost of notary services is paid separately.

3.2. If negotiations are chosen as a way of resolving the situation, the UMC can offer the client the following services:

  • Preparing the Client for Negotiation of Interests (Harvard Negotiation method) to change the negotiation model
  • Preparing the client for a difficult conversation (when a dispute has arisen but the other party is not available for other means of dispute resolution except for negotiation)
  • Participation of the mediator in negotiations as a consultant or your representative

    Payment for expert services will be made at the rates indicated in paragraph 3.1.

Contingent fee when reaching agreements that satisfy our client (by agreement) incurred in the case, which include the rental of the premises (unless the parties offer a suitable venue and the terms of the mediation process for all parties), photocopying and communication, transport costs, translation, postage, courier services, notary services, etc.;

ATTENTION!  The information presented above is provided for informational purposes only. Specific terms of service may be changed from time to time.

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Contact Information

Ukraine, Kyiv, Voloska 8/5 str.
4 NaUKMA building, 4th floor
tel.:+38 (044) 490-66-35
fax:+38 (044) 425-77-81
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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in any other form without a written consent of the people who possess copyright.

© 2009, Ukrainian Mediation Center
[UMC], kmbs